I have been taking A/I Classes for 5 years and I passed the portfolio review, so I am now able to take upper A/I classes. I am currently taking Ani 114 and Ani 117. This major was like a yoyo to me because I wasnt sure If I wanted to stay or graduate as a Fine Art Major. But 2 semesters ago I took Ani 113B and this class helped me build my confidence and realize that I wanted to stick with this major. This class really pushed me to do my best and improve my skills. Because of this class, I would like to do environments either for movies, video games, or books. I would like to work for different companies to give me experience, but also for start up companies.
This one is a personal sketch that I did of the Aintley's House in Downtown Campbell. The reason why I drew this house is because I am attracted to historical subjects, objects or buildings that has a history behind. I am also found of English cottage house, so this one caught my eye.